Those who speak the language fluently as a mother or 2nd tongue, feel free to provide any corrections deemed necessary. I am not ethnically Korean, nor is Korean my native language. While I cannot be of help for SeeU to those who do not have Vocaloid3, the plugin needed, or the patches (said patches will essentially be useless if you're not making covers in Vocaloid first using SeeU's Korean voice or downloading her VSQx files and converting them), I will do my best here to help anyone with at least recording, reading, and pronouncing Korean for those who want to make original songs/covers and have them sound native to the language. non-native speakers have trouble pronouncing Korean. Most songs available for UTAU covers/originals are Japanese/use Japanese banks
SeeU's VSQx' cannot be ported to UTAU without the VSQx -> VSQ plugin in addition to the UTAU Korean Patches (download them here:Ĥ - please note that you will still be required to manually change the lyrics from Hangul to Romaja otos cannot be made in hangul and SeeU has hidden non-native phonemes that use X-SAMPA). romaja (not an issue for Korean Americans and those who know English, perhaps more so for those born and raised in S.Korea) otos needing to be CVVC (still a relatively rare oto style beyond English utauloids and other languages that require VC endings) Incidentally, South Koreans also make more Japanese banks than those in their native language - this is due to. This means that many K-pop covers with UTAU are not native sounding due to differences in pronunciation.
For those who are non-native speakers, Korean can be a hard language to speak/sing and as a result, most K-pop fans who are into UTAU resort to using Japanese banks to make usts.